There are two things you need to know about playwright Katie Forgette's 2009 play Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Jersey...
Jon Robin Baitz’s much-lauded 2011 hit Other Desert Cities, the season finale at Ithaca’s Hangar Theatre (through Saturday, Aug. 9).
Lauren Cavalli previews the 35th celebration of the Skaneateles Festival.
A few advancements tech has had upon the movie industry
There has never been a better time for a revival like this.
With Chadwick Boseman becoming a big star, it's a hit
An introductory guide to the webcomic world
The old and new greeted each other at the edge of an apple field in LaFayette this summer.
Tarantino will release western Hateful Eight in 2015
From Michael Jackson to Elvis
Is there still a future for a DIY music venue in Syracuse?
Chris Cain’s blues roots go back to his upbringing with a father who had an impressive record collection and love of live...
On June 30, the Syracuse University-owned and operated station introduced changes to its weekday programming schedule.
Starting Wednesday, Aug. 6, the Unforgettable Comedy Challenge will take place at Funny Bone Comedy Club at Destiny USA.
This Tarzan is aimed at youthful audiences. Think of it as The Lion King’s mini-me.