Black Friday Madness: What do you think of the holiday hype? (poll)

Once upon a time, Black Friday conjured nightmares of fisticuffs, campouts and trampling in an attempt to get some of the best shopping deals of the year.
A customer enters a shop at Fulton Mall in New York City on Black Friday, Nov. 23, 2018. (David Dee Delgado/The New York Times)Once upon a time, Black Friday conjured nightmares of fisticuffs, campouts and trampling in an attempt to get some of the best shopping deals of the year. Although there are still flare-ups (two men were stabbed on the notorious holiday at Destiny USA), the rise of weekend-long doorbusters and Cyber Monday seem to have taken some of the edge off the mad dash from the dinner table to the mall parking lot.
How many of you head out for Black Friday? If not, when or where else do you prefer to do your holiday shopping? Let us know in our poll!
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