NY State Fair has record-setting season: Have you been yet? (poll)
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(Michael Davis/Syracuse New Times)
Read: “Fair Thee Well: What’s new at the 2018 NY State Fair”
Overall attendance through Tuesday was ahead of 2017’s numbers by 50,054 people, and five of the seven days of the fair have set daily attendance records, according to official fair records. Saturday also broke 2010’s all-time record by over 12,000 attendees (115,324 fair-goers were recorded in 2010, and Saturday blew it away with 127,394). Have you gone to the fair yet this year? Are there any changes you’d suggest? Let us know in this week’s poll below: Create your own user feedback survey Can’t see the poll? Take it directly online. Here are the results to last week’s poll surrounding Nick Lyons, a Michigan health official being charged with involuntary manslaughter for two deaths in Flint: