
‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ Isn’t

(Film) Boring story can’t be saved by decent chemistry

I crawled out from under my rock and went to see “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” this weekend. Full confession first. I’ve not been plugged into the Spidey franchise. The closest I’ve come to a comic book in my adult years is chuckling over certain scenes with Leonard and Sheldon and store owner Stuart in “The Big Bang Theory.” Sure, I enjoyed super heroes on inked pages when I was a kid, but I was a child of the D.C. Comics franchise, following Superman and Batman and their brethren in the Justice League of America, not Spider-Man and his colleagues with rival Marvel Comics. And so I am not steeped in Peter Parker history, savvy in Stan Lee story lines nor able to spin comparisons between Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield as the main man and Kirsten Dunst and Emma Stone as the love interest. All of which, I believe, allowed me to watch this fifth Spider-Man movie with no preconceptions. I wish I had stayed under my rock.
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