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New Releases in Video Games

Robin Williams, Guillermo Del Toro and XBox Exclusives!

After E3 and the other big Cons of the summer, video game news slows down a bit, but that’s not to say that there is none. Here are a few of the biggest stories from the gaming world this week.

New Tomb Raider an Xbox Exclusive?

Rise-of-the-Tomb-RaiderSquare Enix and Microsoft announced at Gamescom on August 12 that Rise of the Tomb Raider, the sequel to the reboot of the classic Tomb Raider series, will originally be released as an XBox exclusive. This choice is surprising to many gamers who were fans of Rise’s predecessor, and none are too happy about it. In the eyes of many gamers, the choice not to offer its game to Playstation or PC users is alienating to a large percentage of Square Enix’s fan base, considering most gamers can’t afford to buy an XBox One and a Playstation 4 or gaming PC. This development is just one more battle in the ongoing console war between Microsoft and Sony. Both companies have been scrambling to build up their lists of exclusive titles in hopes of persuading gamers to choose their console over their competitors’, but at the expense of gamers who just want to be able to play what they want. Square Enix did later say that their deal with Microsoft was on a time limit, but it would have to be pretty short to keep their reputation undamaged in the eyes of the gaming community at large.
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