
Top 10 Best Television Moments of 2014

It has been a great year for television.

(Spoilers abound below. Proceed with caution.) It has been a great year for television. Here are the Top 10 Best Television Moments!

1. True Detective

true-detective__140415184301It may be predictable to pop True Detective at the top of my best of 2014 list, but it truly was what set off this year on a good note. The ambitious semi-supernatural mystery premiered just after the new year, and was a good omen (even with all of its internal bad omens) for a great year of television. Matthew McConaughey, heretofore known as mister eye candy, king of the rom com, came in swinging a different kind of punch. Looking disheveled and lost – an image previewed in 2012’s Mud – mister southern charm introduced us to Rust Cohle, a jaded detective with some interesting theories on the ways of the world. Together with the always brilliant Woody Harrelson, McConaughey pushed us to the edges of supernatural, existential theorizing and the nature of good and evil. The series succeeded in drama as well as in action and cinematography, with one 6-minute POV battle scene filmed entirely without cuts. As lost as we might be in his rhetoric, we are with him as he raids, saves, fights and runs. WATCH

2. Frank Underwood, POTUS

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