Consensus, the commission on modernization of local government for Onondaga County, has completed its first phase of work and produced a baseline report showing all local government structures, costs and benefits. The goal is to use this to see if there are opportunities to consolidate and collaborate between governmental entities for the benefit of our citizens.
Huge kudos go to all the local governmental groups who participated. They are truly showing their commitment to serving their constituents in the best manner possible, and are demonstrating willingness to look at how to best improve the delivery of services. This effort is the first of its kind to occur on this scale in New York state.
Consensus is holding a series of public hearings, beginning on Wednesday, March 11, 12:15 p.m., in City Hall Commons (201 E. Washington St.) to engage the public, answer questions, and solicit input as to the creation of recommendations to implement in the next phase of the project. There are three other sessions planned; see the website for the locations and times.
We are glad to see this occurring, and applaud those involved for being willing to put aside personal interests to address these issues. When I read the baseline report, my reaction was there are many opportunities for us to reduce cost and possibly improve delivery of services to our citizens, and help to make this area more competitive as we seek to attract new industries and jobs. Read the report and decide for yourself.
William Brod is the publisher of the Syracuse New Times
The Consensus of Modern Government
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Are there opportunities to consolidate and collaborate for the benefit of our citizens?