Failed. After Twitter backed out, stores closed. They are back to the drawing board.
Google glass. Image from
2) Facebook
Winning. Stock is up, proving Instagram was a good couple billion investment. King Zuckerberg still reigns.
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3) Smartwatches debuted one. Samsung, LG, and Moto sport them. Apple people anticipate theirs.
Image from tech
4) Smartphones Got Smarter
Apple got into Plus sizes. And bent. Samsung’s Galaxy S5, Note 4, the Moto G, the Nexus 6; Blackberry made a Passport and almost dropped the keyboard.
Apple’s iPhone 6 (left) and 6 Plus (right). Image from
5) Tablets
Got bigger, faster. More high res. Apple released the iPad Air 2. And a new Mini. Google came out with the Nexus 9, while Amazon unveiled the Kindle Fire HD 6. Microsoft’s tablet/PC (Surface 3) received an upgrade. The Galaxy Tab Pro is to die for.
Amazon’s Kindle Fire HD 6. Image from
6) Drones
Are in the air. Not only is Amazon talking about dropping packages on your kitchen table, but there’s a home drone for every backyard. And GoPro will launch one this year.
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7) Security
Is also up in the air. If hackers can crack Sony and Target, who is next? Who is safe? What will they demand next time?
Heartbleed scared us half to death. If you didn’t change your passwords back then, now is as good a time as ever.
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8) ApplePay
The next major step in only walking out of the house with your phone. We’re not there yet.
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9) Gamers Get New Boxes
Xbox One, Playstation 4. Let the couch time continue.
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10) Termination
As A.I. and robotics advance, so do warnings from Elon Musk and others that computer programs may cause a threat one day. And Arnold makes another Terminator.