Screen Rant reports that the movie will be released in 2015.
May I pitch in with Yay!
Reports Sandy Schaefer: “Tarantino confirmed that he will indeed will, in fact, be shooting the script; Kurt Russell and Samuel L. Jackson, who have collaborated with Quentin before (many times in SLJ’s case) are lined up to play the movie’s central leads; and by the sound of it, principal photography may begin as soon as January 2015.”
Film Divider is the site that came away with the ad that will appear in the next edition of Empire magazine, proclaiming next year’s release for Tarantino’s eighth film.
I’m wondering about the soundtrack, too, aren’t you?
They say that Quentin Tarantino was so enraged when his script got leaked online that he just about canceled plans to make his western Hateful Eight altogether.
Good news for fans of the eccentric filmmaker and the oft-forgotten genre.
No Hate about No. 8 from Tarantino
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Tarantino will release western Hateful Eight in 2015