favor of Rick Springfield in a lawsuit that claimed the singer injured Calcagno with his buttocks during a 2004 concert at the New York State Fair’s Chevy Court. Further reports state that Calcagno had to be taken away by ambulance after shaking and twitching during closing arguments.
Be sure to check out Syracuse New Times columnist Jeff Kramer‘s article on Wednesday Jan. 21 as he discusses the case. Tweets from Baker confirmed that Kramer walked into the courtroom before deliberations began and proclaimed “time to get to the bottom of this!”
The Syracuse New Times has been sharing one Rick Springfield song for each day of the trial.
In this, our final installation, we share “Free” from Springfield’s 1999 album Karma.
Visit Rick Springfield’s WEBSITE: HERE
Find his upcoming tour dates: HERE
Connect with Rick Springfield on TWITTER and FACEBOOK
Watch the first video, “Jessie’s Girl” – HERE | Watch the second video “I Get Excited” – HERE | Watch the third video “Human Touch” – HERE
Feature photo by Bill DeLapp
The jury deliberated for one hour on Friday Jan. 16 in the Rick Springfield trial for a lawsuit filed against him by Vicki Calcagno of Liverpool.
Chris Baker of Syracuse.com reported the jury ruled in Rick Springfield is Free

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The Jury rules in favor of the defendant