
News and Blues


Someone threw a large rock through the window of the I Do! I Do! Wedding Boutique in Flagstaff, Ariz., according to police, who reported the only item stolen was a 2-foot-long, 20-pound rubber adult toy modeled after a woman’s torso. It sold for $600. (Flagstaff’s Arizona Daily Sun)

Love Hurts

At the trial of Philip Lyle Hansen in New Zealand’s Wellington District Court on assault and sex charges, dating from 1988 to 2011, Crown Prosecutor Sally Carter told the jury that the defendant liked “gummy ladies.” She bolstered her case by playing a video in which a woman who dated Hansen explained that when they moved to the back seat of his car to have sex, he produced a pair of pliers and pulled six of her bottom teeth. “After that sixth tooth came out, I got him to stop,” she said. At his request, the woman had a dentist remove her remaining teeth and fit her with dentures, which Hansen destroyed by flushing them down the toilet and blaming the cat. When her wisdom teeth started to come through, she said he dug them out of her gums with a screwdriver. (The New Zealand Herald)

Little Things Mean a Lot

Following the world’s first penis transplant in South Africa in December 2014, on a 21-year-old man whose penis was amputated following a botched ritual circumcision three years earlier, the head of the surgical team, urologist Dr. Andre van der Merwe, 46, said nine more patients are waiting for the same surgery after losing their penises in similar circumstances. He has also been flooded with requests from around the world. “I’ve had someone email from America who wants his penis removed,” van der Merwe said. “He wants to be genderless and donate his penis to somebody.” He said he was wary of such a donor, who might later change his mind and hunt down “the person who has his penis.” Meanwhile, van der Merwe said he had anticipated that his patient would need two years for sex to be viable, but it took only five weeks. (South Africa’s Times and Britain’s The Guardian)
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