
Killer Angels

(Tech) Kevin Spacey appears in “Call of Duty”

Kevin Spacey teamed up with Activision for an epic “Call of Duty” of cinematic grandeur. Spacey, in between seasons two and three of Netflix’s “House of Cards” takes up a similar role in the CoD narrative, but this time in CGI: it looks like Spacey, sounds like Spacey, but blends with the computer gaming virtual world where “no one really dies.” The tie-in is humorous for “Cards” fans, since Frank Underwood (Spacey’s character) is a shooter-game addict in the series. The plot is world conquest. Spacey is the head of a mercenary force “to enforce takeovers.” The trailer seems nothing short of a motion picture and makes one wonder if that’s what’s up next for the multi-billion dollar CoD franchise.
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