trailer seems nothing short of a motion picture and makes one wonder if that’s what’s up next for the multi-billion dollar CoD franchise.
The video clip opens the mind to a “brave new world” of warfare possibilities. Soldiers in “ironman-esque” suits portray super-human strength, speed, and stamina while vanquishing their foes with almost effortless precision. It’s amazing, unreal, and absolutely terrifying.
Well, is it unreal?
The Department of Defense has been testing “ironman” equipment for some time now. While actual black ops beta-testing is top secret, the technology is actively being pursued and perfected. In a world where the Civil War or World War I general would easily face massive amounts of casualties, to today where a handful is too many (one is too much); efforts are taken to reduce the loss of human life in conflict even more so. A war without death: seems like an oxymoron; well, at least death is on our side.
Preliminary test suits include bullet proof exoskeletons (of course), the ability to easily lift hundreds of pounds, multi-use Google Glass-like night vision goggles, and a host of other “bells and whistles.” Car batteries exploding under pressure makes scientist wary of what these battery-operated suits will do under fire, but the electric car industry is perfecting the battery as we speak.
There are non-combat applications for this tech as well: disabled persons will get a new lease on life and many will walk for the first time in one of these “Superman” suits.
Along with enhanced human capacity, the use of robots is expanding (see my article here on robot developments). Drones are widely in use.
The Washington Post recently published an article about “anti-killer robot activists” speaking about stopping atrocities before they happen. Terminator-like autonomous robots with the power to seek and destroy are being developed, along with, what the U.S. Navy says is “software that will teach the robots “right from wrong.” Protestors fear there will be a time when these machines will “run amok” among us, as in sci-fi movies.
Ironically, the new season of “24” – which aired episode two of twelve last night – opens amid the backdrop of a drone treaty in London, and a terrorist plot to take over the machines for, well, plot spoilers stop there.
As the debate continues, so does the technology. There are pros and cons on either side: tech remains a means for good or evil in the right or wrong hands, for good or ill purposes. The scary part is this is not a movie; and it’s just a matter of time to find out what will happen next.
Kevin Spacey teamed up with Activision for an epic “Call of Duty” of cinematic grandeur. Spacey, in between seasons two and three of Netflix’s “House of Cards” takes up a similar role in the CoD narrative, but this time in CGI: it looks like Spacey, sounds like Spacey, but blends with the computer gaming virtual world where “no one really dies.”
The tie-in is humorous for “Cards” fans, since Frank Underwood (Spacey’s character) is a shooter-game addict in the series.
The plot is world conquest. Spacey is the head of a mercenary force “to enforce takeovers.” The Killer Angels
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(Tech) Kevin Spacey appears in “Call of Duty”