Employee of the Month

Employee of the Month: Greg Minix 

Meet our November employee of the month, Greg Minix.

Greg Minix. Michael Davis photo

Employee of the Month: Greg Minix 

Greg Minix is a graphic designer for the Syracuse New Times and Family Times. Since joining the company seven months ago, Greg’s enthusiasm has been an ever-present feature of his work. When the office holds a celebration, Greg always dresses in an appropriate costume, whether it’s that of a tourist in Hawaii or a Roman centurion. He earned the Employee of the Month Award after demonstrating an abundance of passion and dedication, as well as taking on extra responsibilities whenever asked. Greg has designed seven covers so far for the New Times, including an illustrated still life for the Arts Issue, a spoof on Edvard Munch’s “The Scream” painting, and a somber and subtle photo illustration for a cover about suicide.

We asked Greg a few questions about working at the Syracuse New Times and living in Central New York.

How did you find out about the graphic design job at the New Times and why did you want to apply?

I came across an ad on Indeed.com a month after graduating from OCC. I had done amateur freelance work in the past, but I was eager to land my first real graphic design job, and I applied for many jobs. The Syracuse New Times was in my “wishful thinking” pile because it seemed like a dream job — I love advertising design for print and cover design. When I got a call from THE Meaghan Arbital (I was familiar with her work for the New Times) to come in for an interview, I could hardly contain myself!

Now that you’ve been here seven months, what have you learned about the New Times that you didn’t know before?

I learned it consists of a close-knit, caring staff that treats each other like family. My prior assumptions about working for a newspaper made me think of a stressful, corporate environment full of overwhelming demands and angry management. It’s how Hollywood portrays the news business, ya know? However, from Day One I’ve felt more than welcome here, which is not the case at many other jobs.

What’s your favorite part about working here as a graphic designer?

My favorite part is having a platform to showcase my artistic ability. I’ve worked hard to be more than just another starving artist, and seeing my name on the inside page of such a respected publication makes me feel fulfilled.

What’s the most difficult thing about your job?

It’s probably the most difficult thing for any designer –– to correctly interpret the message a client or sales representative wants to convey and communicate that visually, while maintaining artistic integrity. I’m trained to make effective ads. It gets a little difficult when non-designers tell me how to do my job, but I always try to find a compromise. 

 Tell us about your life outside work. What are some things you like to do in CNY? Where do you like to go out? 

CNY is great for long-distance running, which I enjoy. I also like target shooting. I have an Onondaga County pistol license, and I’m a member of the Baldwinsville Rod and Gun Club. I love movies, too, so my close proximity to the IMAX at Destiny USA and to Movie Tavern is great. I’m quite a foodie as well, and I enjoy many of the local restaurants, including Twin Trees, Notch 8 and Ichiban. I especially love the New York State Fair, and I look forward to it every year. Oh, I’m also a rapper! People are always surprised to learn that. I even did a song with Best of Syracuse winner Ashley Cox — search my name on iTunes. 

 What’s something you’d like to tell readers about the Syracuse New Times that they might not know?

Well, even though we don’t cover a lot of politics, I think many people view the Syracuse New Times as quite liberal. They might be surprised to learn that we employ a number of politically conservative staffers, myself included. The periodic left-leaning content in our paper is normally provided by freelancers or outside contributors, and I often raise concerns about the perceived bias during editorial meetings.

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