Cinema Blend by Kristy Puchko calls it an action-comedy in which Depp plays “a sophisticate with an eye toward crime and an impossible mustache.”
The story includes a clip of a trailer from Yahoo, which Puchko uses to spill a lot of beans about the plot, which includes art, ill-gotten gold and “nefarious causes.”
I’ve seen in-theater trailers for Mortdecai several times now, and Depp’s deadpan delivery, Paltrow’s arched eyebrow and a man-servant played by Paul Bettany all have have crept closer and closer to Pink Panther spoof territory to me. Everybody associated with the film can only hope so, you know? Or maybe it was Grand Budapest Hotel.
Nevertheless, as Puchko points out, The Lone Ranger lost a reported $175 million — no laughing matter that — and Transcendence “cost $100 million to make and brought in $23 million domestic. … All this to say that the age of Johnny Depp capering carelessly about in big Hollywood movies may be drawing to a close. And if he wants to continue, both Into the Woods (which opens Christmas Day) and Mortdecai better blossom at the box office.”
Johnny Depp has made me laugh in what was supposed to be a really big movie in the not too distant past. But when I was chortling at his Tonto bits during The Lone Ranger last year, I half thought maybe I wasn’t supposed to be.
Come Jan. 23, though, Depp and the makers of Mortdecai will definitely be pulling for everybody to be laughing for real. This new movie starring Depp and Gwyneth Paltrow as his wife is a farce based on the novels of Kyril Bonfiglioli. A Wednesday story on Big hopes for Johnny Depp
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Mortdecai and Depp’s deadpan delivery