Though size does matter (jokes aside), the new phone is, of course, better equipped to handle the incessant desires of the modern human for “new” and “innovative” unheard of ways of doing things. For one, the phone is more durable, putting a slight damper on the LifeProof and Otterbox business of smart phone protection. It will be faster as the Apple planet awaits the legend (wait for it…) iOS 8 – slated to release two days before the new phones. The 6 also offers retina screens (extremely high quality imaging like the iPad) and an improved camera. Breaking the mold as well is the mobile pay option that allows users to sync a credit card with the device and leave your wallet at home. Starbucks jumped this gun a bit allowing app users to pay by barcode; now paying on the go is full-on and true Star Wars-like financial tech.
It is interesting, as many a tweeter has tweeted, that this comes shortly after the hacks exposing celebrity nude photos hidden on their personal iPhones. This was obviously not mentioned during the debut.
While it may not convert Android, Windows, or Samsung users from converting to or back to Apple, many an eager beaver is holding their breath and even camping out in hopes to get one of these devices on September 19 when the Apple “parties” begin across the world. Pre-orders are open starting this Friday, Sept. 12and the price starts at $299 (that’s $300 for the non-marketing world) with a 2 year contract, of course (that’s roughly $3,000 with data and phone use over two years for most carriers, for the non-financially astute). You weren’t getting away from that one.
They were not watching a Papal funeral, a Kardashian wedding, nor a royal christening; however, on Wednesday thousands upon thousands interrupted work, lunch, exercise and the regular rotary routines to huddle around an Apple device somewhere and look into a big tent.
It was the unveiling of Apple’s latest and perhaps greatest mobile devices to date: the newer, larger iPhone 6 and the next step in wearable tech: the Apple Watch.
After decades of watching the man in black turtlenecks introduce his game-changing products, his successor, Tim Cook, walked boldly across the stage exuberating enthusiasm and showing off the latest contraptions like a Dumbledore in front of an eager class of dark arts student wizards.
The “6” – perhaps the most significant advancement for the phone line since the birth of Siri is the first phone with two size options: the smaller 0.7 inches larger than the 5s, while it’s “plus” version, the Supersized 5.5 inched screen eclipses the Samsung Galaxy by 4 tenths of an inch as well, a company that also recently lost the lawsuit over abusing patents set forth by Job’s company.
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The unveiling of Apple’s latest and perhaps greatest mobile devices