
Raising Cain in Syracuse

Chris Cain’s blues roots go back to his upbringing with a father who had an impressive record collection and love of live performances.

Chris Cain loves the Salt City. “Syracuse is one of my favorite places in the world,” he says from his phone at his California home. “I spilled beer on the mayor once. I was really popular for that. It was years ago. Guys were giving me high-fives and stuff.” Somebody better get in touch with the mayor’s office. Cain will return Sunday, Aug. 3, for a gig at Performance Harley Davidson, 807 N. Geddes St. The show will be presented by the Syracuse Blues Syndicate. Cain’s own blues roots go back to his upbringing with a father who had an impressive record collection and love of live performances. “He would never miss B.B. King or anybody who played blues around San Jose,” Cain recalls. By age 3, Cain was accompanying his father to shows. His mother was another key influence. “She took me to see The Beatles on a school day,” Cain says with excitement. “That’s how cool my mom was!”
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