The real surprise was the final count for the year topping out at around 540 sightings. This new level of UFO sightings in the state continues a six year upward trend, with 2010 and 2012 being statistical spikes.
UFO Sightings for 2014, wouldn’t be complete without some world sighting numbers, December sightings are up 31% over November. Over all global sightings are up 6% over 2013, and a quick look at the New York yearly trend charts suggests New York is on par with the global upward growth of reported UFO sightings.
Who knew UFO Sightings for 2014 for New York would be continuing an upward trend?
Typically the New York winter months are cold weather with overcast skies, this usually impacts the number of UFO sightings in our lovely state. Surprisingly, January and February sightings logged this year were double the usual amount for the dead of winter. Both national reporting databases showed higher than normal amounts of bright fire ball type UFOs.
March and April sightings were about 25% above normal levels. May, June July, were at the usual levels, but August and September turned out to be the high season for sightings this year, with 13% above normal sighting levels. Add to that October was 59% higher than is common. Finally, November and December were at customary sighting counts for the holiday season.
UFO Sightings for 2014 for New York
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UFO Sightings for 2014 continue an upward trend