Opinion & Blogs

The Peace of Contentment

Make a decision to enjoy the life we have right now and be grateful for it.

Wouldn’t it be great if everyone you knew was happy with the life they had? I mean completely happy. That may be too  much to ask. Nobody has a perfect life. It seems we all want more. More, better, bigger of everything. What I find to be interesting is that what is perfect for you, may not be so perfect for me. There is however one thing that will make us all happy: contentment. If you can truly find a way to be content, that is one happy way to live. I rarely find a soul who is 100% content. Many people want to be famous, while many famous people want some privacy. Employees want to be the boss and most bosses wished they didn’t have so much on their plates. Single women want a man in their lives, while most married women I know, want their husbands to go get out of their hair. What does it take to be satisfied with what you’ve got in the moment? That is not to say, never strive for a better life, rather be grateful for the life you have right now. Contentment with life is not a feeling, it’s a choice. You decide to be. Contentment does not mean that we look at our lives and say – this is what I have and I may as well do the best I can with what I have. It means that we have made a decision to enjoy the life we have right now and be grateful for it. Today, I’m all alone in a condo in Southwest Florida. You may think that’s great, but my three grandsons that I adore are in New York and my sweet granddaughter is in California. I miss them. But I choose to be grateful and content and enjoy the peace that I have right now, today, in this moment.  I have an opportunity to read and write without interruption. I’m grateful. When I go back to New York in March and find myself in the midst of the busy-ness and noise that comes with living with three boys, I won’t have  the peace and quiet I need in order to read and write. Instead I’ll be happy with the wet kisses I get from the boys and the joy I get watching them grow. Contentment. I’m happy with what I have today and I look forward with anticipation at what is to come. 1 Timothy 6:8  So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content.


yvonne conteYvonne Conte is a corporate culture expert, motivational humorist, professional speaker, and coach. She has Humor Advantage, Inc. offices in Warners, NY, and Fort Myers, FL, and is the founder of the Day of Joy conference. In addition to being a radio and TV personality, Conte is the author of six books including ‘Serious Laughter.’ Find more information online at www.yvonneconte.com

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