Social Media

The Best Things Not to Say on Social Media (NSFW)

(NSFW) “Here’s a photo of my Starbucks drink.”

Everyone has that moment when they say something stupid online and then go to delete it and 5 “friends” have already liked, commented and shared it with 7,000 other people. I think it’s important to go over various things that are better off said in the privacy of our own homes, but not while we are late-night web-surfing.

On Facebook

“Just bought the ring. Four more days.” “Here’s a photo of my Starbucks drink.”  (If this is you, I hate you.) Anything serious about your relationship. (The more it’s on Facebook, the worse it probably is in real life. Overcompensation is a bitch.)



“John so-and-so just checked in at TGI Fridays at Destiny USA.” Why do you want everyone to know that?  So we can stop by and pay our respects like you’re the Godfather or something?
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