Every year at the end of July, Syracuse spreads its creative wings to celebrate Arts Week. More than 20 arts and cultural organizations host different events and showcases throughout the week, culminating with an all-out fest-fest downtown on the weekend.
The AmeriCU Arts & Crafts Festival draws tens of thousands to Columbus Circle to peruse goods made by local and international crafters, the Northeast Jazz & Wine Festival keeps things bubbly on Clinton Square, the Stage of Nations ECOfest promotes unity at Hanover, and the Syracuse New Times and Family Timesstreet painting contest puts hundreds of dollars of prize money on the line for amateur and professional artists.
We want to know: Do you usually head downtown for the big Arts Week weekend? Let us know in this week’s poll.
Here are the results of last week’s poll, which asked if readers thought President Trump, based on his statements at the news conference, handled the Helsinki Summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin correctly: