HERE through Feb. 22.
“The journey of 1,000 miles begins with one step.” (Lao-tzu. Chinese philosopher (604 BC)
The journey of 2,043 miles to the IUFOC 2015 International UFO Congress has begun with a whole bunch of little steps. There were the creeping little steps on a cold floor to get that first cup of coffee. There were the stumbling steps around the bedroom looking for the TV remote so we could check the Weather Channel for travel conditions. Of course, having lived over 25 years in Washington, DC, we were amused to see that the Federal Government was shut down due to a catastrophic “six inches of snow fall.” I’m surprised they haven’t called out the National Guard. Of course all my Syracuse neighbors know that our schools would most likely be open and we’d all be driving to work, six inches or not.
Our little steps continued with the last minute packing of our bags in the bedroom. As seasoned travelers, we were careful to cross pack our bags in case of luggage loss. In the interest of protecting my Power Point presentation for the UFO conference, I made copies on two thumb drives, one that each of us will be hand carrying.
Since we checked-in last night with our flight reservations, the airline has been dutifully texting me love notes that my flights are still on time. The newly remodeled Syracuse Airport was quite impressive with regards to the new unified security screening area. The process was much improved and friendly as always. At the TSA prescreen we didn’t have to take off our shoes!
During my flight to Phoenix, I considered how Wednesday was going to transpire.
New Times UFO writer Cheryl Costa (New York Skies) is corresponding from the International UFO Congress in Arizona. Follow daily updates Field Report: The International UFO Congress IUFOC 2015

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Cheryl Costa reports from the International UFO Congress