
Episode 002: Joe Cassara,

Joe Cassara

Listen to an interview with Joe Cassara, CEO of

Welcome back to “The Next Best Thing: Stories About Innovation” – our weekly podcast about startups, entrepreneurs, and cool things going on in tech (Thursdays). This week, we continue our story from Tuesday about Joe Cassara, Founder and CEO of Click here for the recap and listen below for the full interview. The Next Best Thing PodcastWe are proud to have Tony Kershaw, Innovation Specialist at the Tech Garden and Sarah Roche, co-founder at platypus TV,  joining us to talk about tech news on our “Tech Pulse,” during the second part of our show. Special thanks to Morgan Jenkins and Matt Masur at Venturetechnica for producing the show. Thank you Mike Brindisi of The New York Rock for our music and all our friends and entrepreneurs who made this show possible. We are still looking for sponsors! Please contact Michelle Bowers at the New Times at [email protected] / 315-422-7011 ext. 114 for more info. Tune in here each week for a new show, and look for info on how to subscribe. Please feel free share with friends on social media. We look forward to your feedback and comments. We welcome comments below via Facebook and also email Joe Cunningham, the show’s host, at [email protected]. Go Home
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