Comic-Con International 2015 was full of cosplay (dressing up as your favorite characters) and celebrity. As usual, a number of new trailers and teasers were released for upcoming films and TV. Here are some of the most exciting.
The first episode of CBS’s Supergirl was screened for the Comic-Con crowd. The series will introduce Kara Zor-El, Superman’s cousin-from-anutha-planet, who was sent to Earth in his wake. Working as a personal assistant at 24 years old, she finds no satisfaction. Like many of us in our rebellious early 20s, she wants to make a real difference in the world. But, under the tutelage of her older Earth-sister, she has kept her identity and her powers mum — until now. Melissa Benoist (as Supergirl) and Calista Flockhart (as her domineering boss, Cat Grant) seem to give dynamic performances: two girls making strides in different ways, lifting each other up and kicking some serious butt. Check out the first look trailer, released earlier this spring. Supergirl premieres October 26 on CBS.
NBC’s upcoming thriller Blindspot follows Jane Doe, a woman who wakes up in a body bag in Times Square covered in tattoos. How did they get there? She can’t remember that — or anything else. She doesn’t know who she is, but she’s a badass fighter. Along with a team of FBI agents, she begins to use her new body art to solve crimes around New York City. The episodic series will feature one story (via one tattoo) per week. Jaimie Alexander (Thor, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) told Comic-Con attendees that it takes seven hours to apply all that ink. Blindspot premieres September 21 on NBC.
Fans of Masterpiece’s Sherlock got a bit of a tease by way of a Facetime chat between Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock Holmes), Andrew Scott (Jim Moriarty) and Mark Gatiss (Mycroft Holmes). Getting to see Cumberbatch do some Hamlet (a role he’s currently playing at London’s Barbican Theatre) is certainly enough to forgive their non-attendance.
The Game of Thrones panel in Hall H — the massive space where the most well-attended panels are held — was moderated by Seth Meyers and featured 10 cast members; director David Nutter and executive producer Carolyn Strauss. The full hour-long video has popped up on YouTube for your viewing pleasure. In it, John Bradley (Samwell Tarly) compares Sam’s sexuality to the way most of us think about space, and we learn that Carice van Houten (Melisandre) evidently called Seth Meyers to find out if Game of Thrones was good enough to take on. Beyond that…not much. Is Jon Snow dead? What will Margaery Tyrell do next? The party line was: “they don’t tell us anything, sorry!”
Heroes Reborn, the reboot of the spectacular everyman-turned-superhero story from the mid-2000s, released two trailers this weekend — one running over a minute and a half, and the other nearly three and a half minutes. In the full-length trailer for the new series, we learn that the Heroes are now known as “EVOs,” “evolved” or “enhanced” humans. Dangerous. Terrorists. Blacklisted. Noah Bennett is back. So are Angela and Peter Petrelli, Mohinder Suresh, Matt Parkman and (of course) Hiro Nakamura. Micah is all grown up. With a host of new, young EVOs, they’re out to take back their hero status.
The shorter trailer was for Heroes Reborn‘s companion webseries, Heroes Reborn: Dark Matters, a prequel to the new installment. NBC reps said it “bridges the gap between the original series and Heroes Reborn, reintroducing viewers to the Heroes universe and unveiling a whole new generation of Heroes.” So, even if you didn’t watch the original first season (and its disappointing subsequent seasons), you can still jump on the single-season, 13-episode Heroes Reborn train on September 24. Download the Heroes Reborn app to access the web series.
Of course, I’ve left out more new series, web series, animated series, and returning series than I can count. Did you hear about something that excited you? Were you in San Diego this weekend? Tell us about it in the comments.
Last weekend at the San Diego Convention Center, the geeks of the world came together for the annual swarm that unites pop culture, sci-fi, video games, TV, film and nerd culture under one giant roof for four exciting days. Header photo by Gage Skidmore via flickr.