Since the inception of the SAMMY Awards (Syracuse Area Music Awards) in 1994 – musicians, fans, family and friends gather annually to celebrate the Syracuse music scene. Syracuse New Times photographer Michael Davis was on hand to capture the sights from the 2014 SAMMY Awards at the Palace Theater.

Tommy Allen and Frank Malfitano

Era, Best Metal

Elephant Mountain, Best Rock

The Goonies (performance)

The Madisons, Founder’s Award

The Flashcubes (performance)

The Ruddy Well Band, People’s Choice and Best Americana (tied)

Mike McKay (performance)

L’Adour Duo, Best Recording Other Styles

Tall Bucks, Best Hip Hop

Erika Lovette, Best R&B

Brownskin (performance)

Sir Magnus, Best Pop

Mark Doyle, Best Blues

The Pale Green Stars (performance)

Rabbit in the Rye, Brian Bourke Award for Best New Artist

4 Point 0, Best Alternative

Mick Fury and Midnight Moonshine, Best Country

Skip Murphy, Host