I’d also like to point out that in 2001 and 2003, there were no UFO reports listed in the NUFORC database. Also during the sample period, Orange County’s UFO sightings averaged in the single digits rather consistently. Suffolk County by comparison has generally been on an upward trend in terms of sight growth, most especially over the past eight years.
Orange County and Pine Bush have the distinction of having a fine spring UFO-themed festival annually in May. In my opinion, Suffolk County — by virtue of its sheer volume of UFO sightings — seems to be the E.T.’s choice and would be the logical spot for a New York State UFO Convention.
In several of my New York Skies articles, I have pointed out that Suffolk County is hands down the biggest hot spot for UFOs in New York State. Yet numerous people have commented that Pine Bush in Orange County is the capital for UFOs in New York.
I am going to put this issue to bed, once and for all. Below is a bar graph using National UFO Reporting Center data. I sampled the 20-year window from 1995 to 2015. For the sample period, Suffolk County reported 398 UFO sightings, while Orange County had only a quarter of that at 98 sightings.
UFO Sightings: Orange County vs. Suffolk County

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Columnist Cheryl Costa explores UFO sightings volumes versus UFO hype.