As New York City dwellers, Claudia and her 13 year old son both enjoyed a little star gazing. It was late October 2004, and this night was special: there was going to be a lunar eclipse. So mother and son made an extra effort to see nature’s show. They went to New York’s Central Park in a place near Strawberry Fields.
In the park, mother and son took turns with a set of binoculars looking at the moon as well as other celestial sights. Claudia had just begun her turn with the field glasses when she remarked to her son, “What the hell is that?”
“Up in the sky, about as high as an airplane would fly over Manhattan, at a 45 degree angle to the south away from the eastern-rising moon, were two separate V-shaped solid gray metallic objects, flying side by side, not touching, same speed, apex pointed directly due south.”
Claudia’s son took a confirming look and noted that neither chevron UFO had any visible lights or were making any discernible sound. Claudia tells us that the two chevrons were clearly visible against the black, cloudless sky with the city lights and moonlight reflecting their V shape and grayish color.
“They moved together, silently, steadily across the sky toward midtown. We lost sight of them in the lights over mid-Manhattan. Whole sighting episode couldn’t have lasted longer than two minutes.”
The next day Claudia read a news report that described what her and her son had seen, “I knew that we had seen the same thing.”
Let’s look at some recent UFO sightings in NEW YORK SKIES:
21 February 2015: at about 11:50 p.m. a motorist in Phelps, NY was driving home from work and saw a light in the sky and when we got closer to it, it was very low to the ground and doing circles. He stopped the car and the object “bolted off” at abnormal speed, not like an airplane or a jet.
25 February 2015: at about 8:30 p.m. a Syracuse resident reports watching a bright object in western sky for about 15 minutes. The observer says it looked like it was pulsating but not moving. He reports that he looked away for a sec and it was gone.
JOIN a CNY regional discussion group about UFOs. Email Cheryl to be put on the mailing list. [email protected]If you have a UFO sighting to report, you can use either one of the two national database services: www.NUFORC.ORG or www.MUFON.COM – Both services respect confidentiality. Cheryl Costa would love to hear the when, where and what of your New York sighting. Email it to [email protected]