Opinion & Blogs

WISE Women

What is the WISE Women’s Business Center?

The WISE Women’s Business Center (WBC) is a resource for women entrepreneurs at all stages of business development. If you have a business idea or a dream, if you are starting a business, or have an established business which you’re growing, we can help. (Source: WISE Website) The WISE Women’s Business Center has counseled more than 275 women (and some men, too!) and trained more than 1,000 people in various classes and workshops. Located at the The Tech Garden, the WISE Women’s Business Center is established to help your dreams come true. Below are some video stories from women who are finding success through their involvement with WISE (Women Igniting the Spirit if Entrepreneurship)

Name: Marie Maclane Shannon

Business stage: Ideation (pre-venture) and is talking about how she’s inspired to get started!

Name: Hana Fagut

Company: SyrCa – The Syracuse Food Catering Company

What is the WISE Symposium? Learn more HERE To talk to a representative from WISE, email LINDSAY WICKHAM (videos provided by Lindsay Wickham) To read more WOMAN TIMES – CLICK HERE
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