New York Skies (Cheryl Costa)

Where Do The UFO Reports Come From?

Columnist Cheryl Costa shares the sources of her UFO reports

I get asked all the time where I get my UFO reports from. Principally, I do a weekly inspection of the databases maintained by the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC), and the database maintained by the Mutual UFO Metwork (MUFON). In addition, witnesses contact me and share their experiences. The other question I get asked is if I trust the reports; followed whether I can prove the UFO reports are genuine. A wise man in the UFO investigation business told me a few years ago “eyewitness testimony will get you convicted in any court of law.” So why are eyewitness testimonies any less reliable? After all, in my experience, most people just want to report what they saw. So that’s what I report: what they tell me they saw. UFO reports and stories seem to be handed down in families like heirlooms. You wouldn’t believe how many times someone will tell me, “oh, you have to talk to my uncle. He had the most incredible sighting.” Of course, the next issue that comes up is whether the report was a hoax, or was reported by someone who is mentally deficient. Statistics have proven the latter to be a rarity. As for hoaxes, my only position on the subject is this: Shame on the person who makes such a false claim. Did you know that making a false UFO report in the country of France is considered a misdemeanor offense? Finally, I frequently get asked about proof. Recently, I wrote an article about the various processes of scientific evaluation and peer review. For most people, this is the only valid proof they will accept. For others, simply seeing an unidentified flying object is a life-changing event, which is all the proof they need. My personal proof is simply this: If the topic of UFOs is so unreal and silly, explain to me why my column is occasionally censored around the web.

Let’s look at some recent UFO sightings in New York Skies:

Sept. 5, 2015: At 9 p.m., a motorist in Black Creek, NY, was driving down an unlit country road, when a vertical tower with four large bright lights moved over head. There are no towers in that area. Sept. 5, 2015: At 11 p.m., a New York City resident observed multiple red objects in a triangle formation in the sky over Hudson River. Sept. 6, 2015: At midnight, a Chazy Lake, NY, resident witnessed a bright red light silently moving over a lake. Sept. 6, 2015: At 1 p.m., a Bayville, NY, resident reported seeing small, bright white light. It was at high altitude on a clear and sunny Labor Day. It hovered for at least 40 minutes. Sept. 6, 2015: At 6:30 p.m., a resident of Valley Stream, NY, observed a pulsing bright object at high altitude moving slowly — often stationary — in broad daylight. Sept. 6, 2015: At 8:30 p.m., a motorist near of Red Hook, NY, was driving on the Taconic State Parkway North and saw three groups of three white orbs floating in the sky. If you are interested in joining a monthly UFO discussion group in the Onondaga County area, drop Cheryl an email [email protected]. If you have a UFO sighting to report, you can use either one of the two national database services: or Both services respect confidentiality. Cheryl Costa would love to hear the when, where and what of your New York sighting. Email it to [email protected]. The names of witnesses will be omitted to protect their privacy.
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