Best of Syracuse is a reader-generated poll trademarked by the Syracuse New Times. Since its 1997 inception we have asked our readers to nominate in a number of categories.
For the 21st anniversary edition, the categories include: Sports, Love and Sex, Arts and Culture, Music, Entertainment and Attractions, Health and Beauty, Local Celebrities, Food, Drink, Nightlife, Goods and Services, Around Town, Pets and Family, Fun and Games.
Your nominations are tallied, and the results bring out the top five in each category. We then turn it all over to you again for the final voting, and the Best of Syracuse emerges.
We are proud of the fact that Best of Syracuse is 100 percent reader-generated. If you have an award suggestion, email us at [email protected]. We want to hear from you.
Thanks to all the readers who took the time to nominate and vote for your favorite picks. It was another record-breaking year for nominating and voting for Best of Syracuse, and we couldn’t be more excited about the responses. Congratulations to this year’s nominees and winners!
Turning Stone Resort and Casino, best golf course. Michael Davis photo
Best Sports Venue: Carrier Dome, 900 Irving Ave. (315) 443-4634, carrierdome.com.
Best Gymnastics Program: YMCA of Greater Syracuse. syracuse.ymca.org.
Best Outdoor Trails: Green Lakes State Park, 7900 Green Lakes Road, Fayetteville. (315) 637-6111, parks.ny.gov/parks/172.
Best Golf Course: Turning Stone Resort and Casino, 5218 Patrick Road, Verona. (800) 771-7711, turningstone.com.
Best Place to Ski: Labrador Mountain, 6935 NY-91, Truxton. (607) 842-6204, skicny.com.
Best Place to Bike: Onondaga Lake Park, 106 Lake Drive, Liverpool. (315) 453-6712, onondagacountyparks.com/parks/onondaga-lake-park.
Best Organized Walk/Run: Paige’s Butterfly Run, 2911 Fargo Road, Baldwinsville. (315) 303-2578, pbrun.org.
Best Health Club: YMCA of Greater Syracuse. syracuse.ymca.org.
Best Yoga: Syracuse Yoga, 6181 Thompson Road, Suite 803. (315) 399-4333, cuseyoga.com.
Love and Sex
Best Date Night Location: Movie Tavern, 180 Township Blvd., Camillus. (315) 758-1678, movietavern.com/locations/syracuse.
Best Adult Club: Club Paradise Found, 134 Headson Drive. (315) 701-0931, clubparadisefound.com.
Best Wedding DJ: Black Tie Entertainment, 4683 Setting Sun Terrace. (315) 492-7985, btedj.com.
Best Wedding Venue: Marriott Syracuse Downtown, 100 E. Onondaga St. (315) 474-2424, marriottsyracusedowntown.com.
Arts and Culture
M&T Jazz Fest, best music festival. Michael Davis photo
Best Museum: The Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology, 500 S. Franklin St. (315) 425-9068, most.org.
Best Ethnic Festival: Irish Festival. syracuseirishfestival.com.
Best Food Festival: Taste of Syracuse. (315) 471-9597, tasteofsyracuse.com.
Best Music Festival: M&T Jazz Fest. syracusejazzfest.com.
Best Live Theater: Syracuse Stage, 820 E, Genesee St. (315) 443-3275. syracusestage.org.
Ashley Cox, best female vocalist. David Armelino photo
Best Female Vocalist: Ashley Cox. facebook.com/ProfessionalVictims, professionalvictims.com.
Best Male Vocalist: Just Joe (Joe Altier). facebook.com/justjoesyracuse, justjoe.com.
Best Band: Under the Gun. facebook.com/UnderTheGunSyracuse, utgrocks.com.
Best Cover Band: Under the Gun. facebook.com/UnderTheGunSyracuse, utgrocks.com.
Best Club DJ: DJ Skeet (Brian Prietti). facebook.com/DJSKEET315.
Entertainment and Attractions
Midway Drive-In, best movie drive-in. Michael Davis photo
Best Movie Theater: Movie Tavern, 180 Township Blvd., Camillus. (315) 758-1678, movietavern.com/locations/syracuse.
Best Movie Drive-In: Midway Drive-In, 2475 state Route 48, Fulton. (315) 343-0211, midwaydrivein.com.
Best Ice Skating: Clinton Square Ice Rink, 2 S. Clinton St. (315) 423-0129, syrgov.net/parks/clintonsquarerink.html.
Best Haunted Attraction: Fright Nights at the Fair, New York State Fairgrounds, 581 State Fair Blvd. (315) 396-8390, thefrightnights.com.
Best Pumpkin Patch: Tim’s Pumpkin Patch, 2901 Rose Hill Road, Marietta. (315) 673-9209, timspumpkinpatch.com.
Best Apple Picking: Beak & Skiff Apple Orchard, 2708 Lords Hill Road, Lafayette. (315) 696-8683, beakandskiff.com.
Best Local Amusement or Water Park: Enchanted Forest Water Safari, 3183 state Route 28, Old Forge. (315) 369-6145, watersafari.com.
Best Go-Karts: RPM Raceway, Destiny USA, 9090 Destiny USA Drive. (315) 423-7223, rpmraceway.com.
Family, Fun and Games
Best Pre-School Program: Learn As You Grow Early Education Centers. learnasyougrowccc.com.
Best CNY Playground: Wegmans Playground, Onondaga Lake Park, 6763-6777 Onondaga Lake Parkway, Liverpool. (315) 453-6712, onondagacountyparks.com/parks/onondaga-lake-park/wegmans-playground.
Best After-School Program: YMCA of Greater Syracuse. syracuse.ymca.org.
Best Bowling Alley: Flamingo Bowl, 7239 Oswego Road, Liverpool. (315) 457-7470, flamingobowlcny.com.
Health and Beauty
Best Hair Salon: Innovations Beauty Spa Boutique, 3627 state Route 31, Liverpool. (315) 622-3005, innovationsdayspa.com.
Best Barbershop: Nick’s Barber Shop, 600 N. Main St. (315) 476-4257, facebook.com/nickscny.
Best Spa: Mirbeau Inn & Spa, 851 W. Genesee Street Road, Skaneateles. (877) 647-2328, mirbeau.com.
Best Massage: Mirbeau Inn & Spa, 851 W. Genesee Street Road, Skaneateles. (877) 647-2328, mirbeau.com.
Best Doctor: Dr. Karen Beckman, CNY Family Care, 4939 Brittonfield Parkway, East Syracuse. (315) 463-1600, cnyfamilycare.org.
Best Chiropractor: Sportelli Chiropractic Center, 112 Dewitt St. (315) 422-4712, syracusechiropractor.com.
Best Health Store: Natur-Tyme, 3160 Erie Blvd E. (315) 488-6300, natur-tyme.com.
Best Pediatrician: Pediatric Associates, pediatricassociatesny.com.
Best Dentist: Dr. Michael Fallon, Fallon and Fallon, 5109 W. Genesee St., Camillus. (315) 469-6871, facebook.com/Fallondentistry.
Local Celebrities
Wayne Mahar, best TV personality and best weather person. Michael Davis photo
Best Local Reporter: Brandon Roth, CNY Central. cnycentral.com/station/people/brandon-roth.
Best Radio Personality: Ted and Amy, WNTQ-FM 93.1 (93Q). 93q.com/tedandamy.
Best TV Personality: Wayne Mahar, CNY Central. cnycentral.com/station/people/wayne-mahar.
Best Bartender: Ryan Vendetti, Funk ‘N Waffles, 307 S. Clinton St. (315) 474-1060, funknwaffles.com.
Best Local Chef: Anthony Donofrio, Modern Malt, 325 S Clinton St. (315) 471-MALT, eatdrinkmalt.com.
Best Weather Person: Wayne Mahar, CNY Central. cnycentral.com/station/people/wayne-mahar.
Best Mexican Restaurant: Alto Cinco, 526 Westcott St. (315) 422-6399, altocinco.net.
Best Asian/Hibachi Restaurant: Ichiban Japanese Steakhouse, 302 Old Liverpool Road, Liverpool. (315) 457-0000, ichibanjapanesesteakhouse.com.
Best Polish Restaurant: Eva’s European Sweets, 1305 Milton Ave. (315) 487-2722, evaspolish.com.
Best Burger: The Blarney Stone, 314 Avery Ave. (315) 487-9675, blarneystonesyr.com.
Best Sandwich Shop: Brooklyn Pickle. brooklynpickle.com.
Best Bakery: Harrison Bakery, 1306 W. Genesee St. (315) 422-1468, harrisonbakerysyracuse.com.
Best Family Restaurant: Tully’s Good Times. tullysgoodtimes.com.
Best New Restaurant: Finally Ours Diner, 3788 W, Seneca Turnpike. (315) 928-6857, finallyoursdiner.com.
Best Steakhouse: Delmonico’s Italian Steakhouse, 2950 Erie Blvd E. (315) 445-1111, delmonicositaliansteakhouse.com.
Best Barbecue: Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow St. (315) 476-4937, dinosaurbarbque.com.
Best Local Caterer: Dinosaur Bar-B-Que, 246 W. Willow St. (315) 476-4937, dinosaurbarbque.com.
Best Fish Fry/Seafood: Doug’s Fish Fry. dougsfishfry.com.
Best Middle Eastern Restaurant: King David’s Restaurant, 129 Marshall St. (315) 471-5000, kingdavids.com.
Best Food Truck/Food Stand: Toss ‘N’ Fire Wood Fired Pizza, 315 N Main St., North Syracuse. (315) 458-9380, tossnfirepizza.com.
Best Thai Restaurant: Lemon Grass Restaurant, 238 W Jefferson St. (315) 475-1111, lemongrasscny.com.
Original Italian Pizza, best wings. David Armelino photo
Best Wings: Original Italian Pizza (O.I.P.). myoip.com.
Best Place for Lunch: The Retreat, 302 Vine St., Liverpool. (315) 457-6358, retreatrestaurant.com.
Best Italian Restaurant: Francesca’s Cucina, 545 N. Salina St. (315) 425-1556, francescas-cucina.com.
Best Breakfast Spot: Stella’s Diner, 110 Wolf St. (315) 425-0353, stellasdinersyracuse.com.
Best Frozen Treats: Gannon’s Isle Ice Cream. gannonsicecream.com.
Best Indian Restaurant: Dosa Grill, 4467 E. Genesee St. (315) 445-5555, syracusedosagrill.com.
Best Pizza: Toss ‘N’ Fire Wood Fired Pizza, 315 N. Main St., North Syracuse. tossnfirepizza.com.
Best Sushi: Wegmans Food Markets. wegmans.com.
Best Birthday Cake: Wegmans Bakery. wegmans.com.
Best Cupcakes: Wegmans Bakery. wegmans.com.
Best Bagel: Bagelicious, 7608 Oswego Road, Liverpool. (315) 652-6007, bageliciousbagels.com.
Best Hot Dog: Heid’s of Liverpool. 305 Oswego St., Liverpool. (315) 451-0786, heidsofliverpool.com.
Best Doughnuts: Just Donuts, 219 County Route 57, Phoenix. (315) 695-1387, justdonutsnobagels.com.
Best Place for Sunday Brunch: Empire Brewing Company, 120 Walton St. (315) 475-2337, empirebrew.com.Best Veggie/Vegan: CoreLife Eatery, 7265 Buckley Road. (315) 299-4451, corelifeeatery.com.
Best Local Food: Gianelli Sausage, 111 Gateway Park Drive, North Syracuse. (315) 471-9164, gianellisausage.com.
Beak & Skiff, best hard cider. Michael Davis photo
Best Hard Cider: Beak & Skiff Apple Orchard, 2708 Lords Hill Road, Lafayette. (315) 696-8683, beakandskiff.com.
Best Coffee: Café Kubal Coffee. cafekubal.com.
Best Brew: Empire Brewing Company, 120 Walton St. (315) 475-2337, empirebrew.com.
Best Beer Selection: World of Beer, Destiny USA, 306 Hiawatha Blvd. W. (315) 422-2330, worldofbeer.com.
Best Winery: Three Brothers Winery & Estates, 623 Lerch Road, Geneva. (315) 585-4432, 3brotherswinery.com.
Best Liquor Store: Liquor City, 6793 E. Genesee St., Fayetteville, (315) 449-1818, liquorcitywineandspirits.com.
Coleman’s Irish Pub, best bar and best trivia night. Michael Davis photo
Best Late-Night Munchie Spot: B’ville Diner, 18 E. Genesee St., Baldwinsville. (315) 635-3180, bvillediner.com.
Best Bar: Coleman’s Irish Pub, 100 S. Lowell Ave. (315) 476-1933, colemansirishpub.com.
Best Happy Hour: The Blarney Stone, 314 Avery Ave. (315) 487-9675, blarneystonesyr.com.
Best Dive Bar: Shifty’s Bar & Grill, 1401 Burnet Ave. (315) 474-0048, shiftysbar.com.
Best Sports Bar: Tully’s Good Times. tullysgoodtimes.com.
Best Trivia Night: Coleman’s Irish Pub, 100 S. Lowell Ave. (315) 476-1933, colemansirishpub.com.
Best Karaoke: Singers Karaoke Club, 1345 Milton Ave. (315) 484-7464, singerskaraokeclub.com.
Best LGBT Bar: Rain Lounge, 103 N. Geddes St. (315) 218-5951, facebook.com/RainLoungeSyracuse.
Best Dance Club: Lava Nightclub, 5218 Patrick Road, Verona. (315) 361-8177, turningstone.com/nightlife-lounges/lava-nightclub.
Goods and Services
Best Piercing/Tattoo Shop: Tymeless Tattoo, 36 Oswego St., Baldwinsville. (315) 635-5481, tymelesstattoo.com.
Best Florist: Sam Rao Florist, 104 Myron Road. (315) 488-3164, samraoflorist.com.
Best Place to Buy Music: The Sound Garden, 310 W. Jefferson St. (315) 473-4343, cdjoint.com/syracuse-store.cfm.
Best Auto Repair Shop: John’s Auto Care, 2045 Milton Ave. (315) 468-6880, johnsautocareandtire.com.
Best Dance Program: Ballet & Dance of Upstate NY, 932 Spencer St. (315) 487-4879, balletanddanceofupstateny.com.
Best Psychic/Medium: Michele Love. michele-love.com, healing-inspirations.com.
Best Car Dealership: Driver’s Village, 5885 Circle Drive E., Cicero. (877) 514-1748, driversvillage.com.
Around Town
Marriott Syracuse Downtown, best hotel and best wedding venue. Michael Davis photo
Best Used Bookstore: Books End, 2443 James St. (315) 437-2312, thebooksend.com.
Best Hotel: Marriott Syracuse Downtown, 100 E. Onondaga St. (315) 474-2424, marriottsyracusedowntown.com.
Best Radio Station: WNTQ-FM 93.1 (93Q). 93q.com.
Best Park: Onondaga Lake Park, 106 Lake Drive, Liverpool. (315) 453-6712, onondagacountyparks.com/parks/onondaga-lake-park.
Best Library: Onondaga Free Library, 4840 W. Seneca Turnpike. (315) 492-1727, oflibrary.org.
Best Not-For-Profit: Helping Hounds Dog Rescue, 6606 Kinne Road. (315) 446-5970, helpinghoundsdogrescue.org.
Best Car Wash: Delta Sonic. deltasoniccarwash.com.
Best Pet Daycare/Boarding: Carm’s Dog House. carmsdoghouse.com.
Best Veterinarian: Liverpool Village Animal Hospital, 6770 Onondaga Lake Parkway, Liverpool. (315) 451-5455, liverpoolvillagevets.com.
Best Animal/Pet Rescue: Helping Hounds Dog Rescue, 6606 Kinne Road. (315) 446-5970, helpinghoundsdogrescue.org.
Best Dog Park: Wegmans Good Dog Park at Onondaga Lake Park, 49 Cold Springs Trail, Liverpool. onondagacountyparks.com/parks/onondaga-lake-park/wegmans-good-dog-park.
Best Animal Whisperer: Jake Grenier, Dog Trainer at PetCo. petco.com.