
Upcoming Conversation on Public Art

Let’s talk public art on May 5 from 10 a.m.- Noon

You’re invited to a Connective Corridor community conversation on public art May 5, 10 a.m. to noon SU Warehouse, Suite 405 (fourth floor conference suite) 350 West Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY 276 artists from 17 countries applied to the Connective Corridor’s $650,000 call for public art – a partnership with Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts, and one of the largest public art calls in the country. The jury has narrowed the applicants to 16 semi-finalists, and the now the community is invited to be part of the conversation. It’s an unprecedented opportunity to be part of a significant public art project. Join us, May 5 from 10 a.m. to noon for an interactive public outreach session and be part of the process. Come learn more about the artists, see and evaluate their work. Talk about where you’d like to see public art along the Corridor. Help develop questions for the jury when they conduct interviews with the semi-finalists in mid-May. Give us your ideas and input. Outreach Posters[7]There will be displays of the artists’ work, maps of the Connective Corridor to help scope out locations, and table discussions facilitated by the local steering committee on these topics:
  • What do you think of the semi-finalists and their work?
  • Which would you pick?
  • How do we curate work that is compatible?
  • What themes would you like to see in final proposals?
  • How can the finalists engage the local arts community as part of this process?
  • How can local artists to work with the finalists?
  • How do we integrate local and global?
  • Where should public art go downtown and along the Connective Corridor? What are prime locations for art? Help map them out.
  • How can the semi-finalists and finalists engage the Syracuse community so this is truly a creative collaborative process?
Keep following the progress of the public art call, and “meet” the jury and the semi-finalists at the following link: For more info: [email protected] Go Home
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