Been watching a little too much Walking Dead lately? This Cold War reminiscent trend is overtaking parts of the nation. From DIY’s to contract builders charging $35k to upwards of $146,000 equipped with a DJ station and entertainment center. So you can take down those walkers to a soundtrack of your choice.
You can now be McFly – but only in a warehouse. The $10,000 Hoverboard is now available on Kickstarter. The developers are looking for funds to take it outside as well.
When will the Connective Corridor open Hoverboard paths?
Google “Streetviews” Jane Goodall’s Chimps
The “mapreneurs” are going where no man has gone before – kinda, literally. By zooming in on a few choice locations you will be able to go off the grid and see these chimps.
Google Maps in Gombe National Park Photograph: Google
That New Apple Stuff
Last Thursday was yet another Apple event. A few things to roll out of that tent were: a new Mac mini – still small and still inexpensive, a giant iMac with an insane resolution of 5180×2880 (that’s like I can see the zits on your face from high school and you are 50 years old and 2 miles away), Yosemite just came out – new free great OS for Macs, Apple Pay is operational as of two days ago, and we have a new Air 2 (iPad) and mini 3.
Revenue is up 38% over last year’s quarter, a 1% year over year. But hey, 1% of a ba-jillion dollars tells you why they work so hard to upgrade everything so fast.
What will the new “thing” be? (Tablet after smartphone after the laptop after the desktop, etc.) Maybe you will be the one to come up with it.
I’m waiting for the Minority Report/Ironman computer. I want one of those.
Microsoft Will Replace Nokia & Windows Phones with “Lumina”
The change in gears is a rebranding move by the tech giant to streamline future luminous tech.
Tech Events to (Still) Keep an Eye On
Buffalo StartUp Scramble: next Tuesday, October 28th, $10, bus leaves from the Tech Garden at 1:45PM
Idea Juicer: think “Shark Tank” – next Friday, October 31st, 2PM at the SU Makerspace.
Hack Hunger and Homelessness: a 24 hour hackathon to solve poverty with tech! Nov 8-9 at the Tech Garden