Inevitable Coffee Ring

Syracuse Taxi Cab Confessions


Christopher Malone gets in on a taxi ride through Syracuse

The last time I was in a taxi, which was in the latter part of last year, the cab didn’t have a credit card machine. The ones in New York City do. This lack caused me to shake my head that Syracuse just isn’t with the times, but that was one company. The cab last night actually had one. I still dished out a $20 bill when I got back to my brother’s house. The cabbie didn’t start talking to me until my friends left the vehicle. The night had come to a close, ending the Syracuse St. Patrick’s Parade day celebrations. I still ask myself what we’re celebrating exactly, because the pagans — after being voted off the island and chased from Ireland — still reside in the United States. I have nothing personal against pagans, but it’s not like there is any effort to rid our country of a certain group. But it’s about riding on the stereotype that all Irish people are drunks. It’s not the case. If anything, it’s everybody else riding the coattails that ruins things. Dear readers, you had to have seen the video of the Fayette Street/Clinton Street brawl. This is why we can’t have nice things.
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