Church pasta feast is a must-stop for local would-be politicians (photos)

A bite at Our Lady of Pompei Church’s spaghetti dinner is a regional “must do” for anyone thinking of running for office in Syracuse. 2018 was no exception.
Election season buzzed with anticipation in Onondaga County as supporters gathered to see who’d win their respective seats. Republican Bob Antonacci celebrated a win for Sen. John DeFrancisco’s seat during the GOP’s annual election; congressional incumbent John Katko’s stop at Our Lady of Pompei Church’s spaghetti dinner ended up being a good-luck charm to inch a 6 percent victory over Democratic challenger Dana Balter; Rachel May, who shut out David Valesky in the Democratic primary for the 53rd District, used her momentum to win the final run; and Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh was also spotted with new County Executive Ryan McMahon during the daylong pasta feast.