Inevitable Coffee Ring

Pulling a 181

Our area is going through some transitioning

There is apologies in regard to this post and your weekly Thursday espresso shot. My bones were a bit rattled on Sunday morning, which eventually graduated from shaking my person in the physical sense to the mental sense. If my posts turn out to parallel a sidestep of a Luis Buñuel creation, it’s because a haze of daze is still hovering around my head. Deciding to go with this route could lead to repercussions. Oftentimes there are serious consequences of car accidents, and it is fortunate to say that no one was injured the other day, just vehicles. Construction is a constant in the Syracuse and Central New York area. It’s frustrating, because it prohibits us from getting from starting points to destinations in the route that we all prefer. With construction comes new traffic patterns, and there may be some changes to our familiar routes. This includes lights and signs, which may be placed uncharacteristically or held by human traffic directors. Before all of this, it was important to pay attention to what was going on, and it’s even more detrimental that your eyes are focused ahead. And regardless of three-colored traffic lights, they will usually fall back on switching to blinking red lights when accommodating traffic (this means you don’t have to wait in lines all that long, for all you pounding your fists for getting every red light on your route). Patience is a virtue. Perhaps it comes with being too trusting, figuring that we Central New Yorkers are used to driving around town, but there is that one moment where things don’t go according to plan. A cop pulls up perpendicular to you, and this makes you stop for that extra second longer before proceeding. You go, see another car coming from that perpendicular direction, and they’re going to slow down. And out of your peripheral vision you see the other car still coming, unyielding or slowing, and you make eye contact with the other driver when you realize they are not going to stop. Your mind reminds your body to brace itself, which often leaves your lips in the form of an “Oh, shit” or your other favorite curse. Your eyes close as your hands grip the steering wheel harder. A deep breath is taken. The world goes silent right before and upon the impact of car-hitting-car, that explosion is the only thing that is heard until everything settles. And most of the time, including a witness or two, people don’t stop. After the the emergency vehicles arrive, people still don’t stop properly at the blinking red light. Do drivers not see the result of what transpired? At least the other person involved got their car to the gas station; the other was backed up a couple feet to the side of the road. Just because the cop is filling out the report, it doesn’t mean drivers get a free pass in not taking precaution, not stopping as they should. People say others from certain parts of the country drive like idiots, what does it say about us? We seem to ignore the little things. And it was eerily silent until the door was opened. Where as if this was some movie, some music would have been playing over to cover potential acting. The kids in the other car were screaming in the parking lot.  It’s rare a director would keep such reality in the scene. If it was an action movie, some overproduced metal band would have been featured. With a drama, perhaps Explosions in the Sky or This Will Destroy You. A comedy, well, “Bistro Fada” by Stephane Wrembel could somehow be fitting.
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