Big brand names are everywhere. Who doesn’t know McDonald’s, Amazon and Apple? Even their iconography alone is enough for someone who barely uses these brands to know whose content they’re looking at.
This complete dominance of cultural awareness can feel as though it puts smaller brands in a hopeless position, but that isn’t the case. Now more than ever, it seems as though smaller brands are accumulating their own advantages by winning over audience attention. If you’re in the position of a small business yourself, this can allow you to take advantage of the landscape to propel yourself forward.
The Personal Touch
The problem that many people have with larger, established corporations is that they come across as faceless brands. There is a coldness to
that relationship, even if that’s something that’s often the subject of their marketing materials (trying to make audiences feel more warmth or compassion towards them).
For this reason, it can be beneficial to put that more personal element of your business at the forefront. This could be in making the people involved in your team much more prominent features of your marketing, but it could also be that the tone of your marketing itself is simply more affable. While you might want to show some restraint with how informal you are (especially in relation to the brand personality you’re trying to cultivate), this kind of discourse can help you being seen as more approachable and down-to-earth.
Commitment to Care
Taking this further and bringing it home means that you have to make quality something central to your brand. If your audience can get what they need cheaper and more conveniently from bigger brands, that’s one thing, but if they can also get it at a higher level of quality, you’re in trouble. There is an opportunity here for you to put your own unique spin on your industry that will keep crowds coming back to you. This isn’t just a commitment you want to showcase in the central service either – a strong approach to customer service and protecting your business with
managed detection and response services can help to keep you strong and consistent amidst your landscape.
Supporting Local Businesses
For many people, supporting local businesses doesn’t just help out someone looking to make a living for themselves. It can also have an impact on wider issues. With larger brands, there is inevitably some question of how giving them business affects the environment – either through their practices or because of how goods need to be flown over – but with local businesses, there are
potentially greener solutions.
For those who are living in the same community as this business, this is strengthened further. By connecting with an audience who wants their home environment to prosper, you’re sharing an ambition with them, and this is something that you can support further by supporting local businesses yourself. This kind of network can be positive in many ways, not least of all in how it prevents you from relying on bigger brands yourself.