email, a Tweet or a Facebook message and tell me where it was and what makes it stand out. Do it by Aug. 1.
A few guidelines:
Who has the best gas station pizza in Central New York?
And who has the worst?
We’re counting on you help us determine both.
Let me correct that. There’s no “we” here. My fascination with gas station pizza is personal, not institutional. By publishing this article, neither the Syracuse New Times nor its sister publications shall be deemed liable for any injuries or deaths resulting from the consumption of gas station pizza.
Here’s what I need: If you have consumed surprisingly good gas station pizza or a notably awful version, shoot me an - The establishment must sell fuel and ready-to-eat pizza. Nominations from convenience stores that lack at least one working, on-site gasoline pump will NOT be accepted. Sorry, but I have better things to do (although nothing comes to mind immediately) than spend the rest of my summer arguing about what is or isn’t a convenience store.
- No Thruway rest stops or wholesale clubs.
- No microwave pizza. Even my G-I tract has limits.
- Nina Davuluri, Miss America
- Cynthia Morrow, Onondaga County’s former Health Commissioner.
- Timothy Ford, Chief of Cardiology, Upstate Medical University
- Carmelo Anthony, tall
- Me