
Filming for a Cause: Blue Chips and Hoosiers Screening at The Palace

Syracuse International Film

Proceeds will benefit the City of Syracuse youth basketball league

Central New York fans from around the globe may be disappointed by the recent developments regarding Syracuse University men’s basketball. Although Syracuse and Duke are not playing each other, The Palace Theatre will still be showing some hoops on the big screen. Syracuse Film Festival (SyrFilm) is presenting a double feature at the 2384 James Street location, and proceeds will benefit the City of Syracuse youth basketball league. “We planned this months ago, targeting the NCAA tournament taking place in Syracuse, and unfortunately we did not know that our boys would not be in the tournament. People are going to be in town. Let’s give them something to do,” said Mike Massurin, Executive Director of the SyrFilm. It’s a double feature. Blue Chips will be shown in digital format. Hoosiers will be shown in 35mm format. It’s something that the “brains” behind Regal Cinemas laugh at, but they nervously shudder about it in their private quarters. The double feature will provide funds to the City of Syracuse Parks Department, specifically directed towards the summer youth basketball program. Watch the Hoosiers trailer below:
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