Rock and roll has always been associated with youth. It is a symbol of righteous rebellion, each generation coming to the fold of the music’s power of self-expression, passion and vitality. So, it is only fitting that one of the risings acts in the CNY music scene is a collective of young guys who call themselves Civil Servants. There is an interesting twist that makes this band stand out from many others, the average age of the band members is 16 years old. Rock may be associated with the young, but seeing this band play brings to mind the phrase, “out of the mouths of babies.”
It is disarming to hear these young people play. The band members include Dustin Stout (lead guitar), Josh Moore (Bass guitar), and brothers Tyler Stassi (older brother and lead vocals) and Connor Stassi (younger brother and percussion). They appear to be your average teenage kids at first glance. They’re the “good” kids every parent hopes to raise. They go to school, work hard for their A grades, are involved in extracurricular sports and other school activities, and enjoy spending time with their friends. Off stage, they appeared quiet and focused as they and check their equipment, respectful of the people who are running the location they are playing at, “please” and “thank you” often heard as part of their conversations interactions.
Then you see this band play… and you are blown away in awe! With a flip of the amp switch, they go from school age kids to true rock ‘n’ rollers! Gone are the shy young men from a few moments before, present now is a collective of musicians who are so technically precise and work together with such mastery of their instruments that it rivals the ability of bands twice their age. It is on stage where these kids let the rebellion of youth come out. Like true rock gods in the making, they let the power of the music take over and present a high energy performance. The band’s musical influences spans the spectrum of rock and roll from bands such as ACDC, The Beatles and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, to Kenny Wayne Sheppard, and it is with joy of the music they play the songs of those that have inspired them.
It’s no wonder that this band can play; some of its members have been playing since they were as young as 7 years old. Guided by the Stassi boys’ father, Shawn Stassi, he has helped manage the four from an after school hobby to a paying part time job with an active local gigging and national touring schedule. This past winter, Civil Servants recorded their first EP of original songs titled, Nuts, and making their first professional music video. Just as we all get more active as the warm weather hits, this band is taking their show on the road with a mini tour of Ohio, a schedule that was already booked for them back in fall of 2014.
You won’t have to wait for them to get back to hear this band play. Their next performance will be at Rosie’s Corner for the Brewerton Fireworks on July 3 at 6 p.m.
To learn more about the band and their performance schedule. see their
Civil Servants Pass the Test
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Civil Servants will be at Rosie’s Corner for the Brewerton Fireworks on July 3 at 6 p.m.