Driver’s Village, 5885 E. Circle Drive, Cicero
Auto Repair Shop: Northside Collision, Several area locations
Bike Shop: Syracuse Bicycle, 2540 Erie Blvd. E
Car Wash: Delta Sonic, Several area locations
Consignment Shop/Secondhand Store: Plato’s Closet, 3455 Erie Blvd. E.
Gift Shop: Olde Wicker Mill, Destiny USA
Furniture Store: Raymour and Flanigan, 4000 NY-31
Jewelry Store: Egon Ehrlinspiel, 5914 Bridge St., East Syracuse
Liquor Store: Pascale’s Liquor Square, 3150 Erie Blvd. E
Health Store: Natur-Tyme, 3160 Erie Blvd. E
Locally Owned Clothing Store: Boom Babies, 489 Westcott St.
Neighborhood Market: Wegmans, Several area locations
Pet Store: Ack’s Exotic Pets, 8081 Brewerton Road (Route 11), Cicero
Outdoor Outfitter: Herb Philipson’s, Several area locations
Place for a Manicure/Pedicure: Miracle Nails, 2134 W Genesee St.
Place to Buy Music: Sound Garden, 310 W. Jefferson St.
Shoe Store: Fleet Feet, Several area locations
Spa/Massage: Mirbeau Inn & Spa, 851 W. Genesee Street Road, Skaneateles
Smoke Shop: Rocky’s Cigars, 447 N. Salina St.
Tattoo/Piercing Shop: Tymeless Tattoo, 36 Oswego St.
Used Bookstore: Books and Melodies, 2600 James St.
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Auto Dealer: Best of Syracuse 2015 Winners: Shopping
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Best of Syracuse: Shopping winners.