
All the Answers You Need on Antioxidant Protection for Skin

With the rise of “skincare” culture and the ever-growing emphasis on caring for our bodies, many medical and scientific terms have made their way into the layperson’s lexicon of everyday conversation. Suppose you’re someone who is already into or getting into skincare. In that case, there are a few terms you’re probably familiar with already, like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, niacinamide, and, if you’re looking to protect and repair your skin, antioxidants. Since antioxidants are such potent little molecules, let’s dive into why they’re so valuable and what they can do for your skin.

What Are Antioxidants?

Antioxidants are essential and very hard-working molecules that fight free radicals. They naturally occur in many sources and your own body.


So, what are free radicals? These potentially nasty little compounds can cause a lot of harm to your skin if their levels rise too much in your body. They are linked to several serious illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer. Though your body manufactures antioxidants, getting more into your system from fruits and vegetables is crucial.

Good Sources of Antioxidants

If you feel that either your diet or your skincare routine is lacking in antioxidants, you can find them in:


  • Hyaluronic acid (a good face serum range should have at least one product featuring HA).
  • Green tea.
  • Retinol (consult a skincare professional before using any product containing retinol).


A Word on Free Radicals

Before we discuss antioxidants, it’s essential to understand a few things about the thing they spend a lot of their time fighting — free radicals. Your body is constantly forming free radicals that would cause harm quickly if antioxidants didn’t balance them. That said, free radicals aren’t always “bad.” They perform essential functions, such as being used by immune cells to fight infection. Oxidative stress occurs if the delicate balance between free radicals and antioxidants is compromised. This process is a culprit in everything from early signs of aging to damaged DNA (and other molecules), which is what can increase the risk of things like cancer.


These things can increase the free radicals in your body to a dangerously high level:


  • Air pollution: This may be difficult to avoid in a busy city.
  • Cigarette smoke.
  • Excessive intake of antioxidants, especially vitamins C and E. Remember, balance is essential.
  • Excessive alcohol intake.
  • Overly intense and prolonged exercise can increase tissue damage.
  • Excessively high blood sugar.
  • Consistently high intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Excessively high iron, magnesium, copper, or zinc intake. Again, remember that balance is critical for your body, and you should consult a medical professional before starting any supplement.
  • Excessive sunbathing.
  • Fungal, viral, or bacterial infection.
  • An overly high or low oxygen level in your body.

What Antioxidants Do For Your Skin

Regarding antioxidants and your skin, their primary function is protecting it from the incredibly harmful UV radiation that bounces around us every minute of the day. Excessive, unprotected exposure to the sun’s harsh rays can result in hyperpigmentation, rough skin texture, broken blood vessels, photoaging (premature aging brought on only by unprotected sun exposure), and an increased risk of cancer.


Extensive research in skincare and antioxidant protection has yielded the following information: the best way to improve the skin’s condition (pre-existing conditions notwithstanding) is to supply essential compounds and nutrients internally and externally. You can add to the level of antioxidants in your body by eating the foods we mentioned earlier and including topical antioxidants like the ones we listed. Here are just a few of the helpful things antioxidants do:


  • Reduce the DNA damage from UV li
  • Improve skin hydration.
  • Stimulate the skin’s natural collagen and elastin production to keep it youthful and supple.
  • Reduce the appearance of wrinkles and pigmentation brought on by sun damage.
  • Support the skin’s natural healing process, particularly overnight.
  • Minimize inflammation.
  • Soften skin texture.

The Best Antioxidants for Skin Care

Not all antioxidants are created equal. Some are better for skincare than others, and those are:

  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Zinc
  • Copper
  • Carotenoids — beta carotene, lutein, and lycopene.
  • Polyphenols (plant compounds) like silymarin (milk thistle), epicatechin, (green tea), genistein (soybeans) curcumin (turmeric), and bakuchiol.


Choosing an Antioxidant Product That’s Right for Your Skin

Each person’s skin is different and, as such, requires a different approach. Before you choose an antioxidant product to incorporate into your skincare routine, consider what your skin type is and factor in any skin conditions like eczema that you may already have. Be especially careful when considering products that include retinoids, as these can exacerbate already sensitive or irritated skin. Also, remember that wearing a reliable SPF is essential if using retinoids, as they can weaken the skin barrier. That said, an SPF is vital every day, rain or shine. If any skin irritation occurs when you start using your new products, discontinue use immediately.

Embrace Antioxidant Protection

There may not be a fountain of youth in real life, but antioxidants are very real and are your path to safe, smooth, glowing, and youthful skin. Antioxidant protection is essential, so eat and care for your skin accordingly.

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