
7 Holiday Cocktail Recipes

7 Holiday Cocktail Recipes

Looking for the perfect cocktail to impress your guests during the holidays?

With the holiday season upon us, add some extra spirit to your festivities. Here are seven unique cocktail recipes from days of yore, with a holiday twist. As always, please be sure to drink responsibly this holiday season, and don’t drink and drive. Cheers!

North Pole Cocktail

Christmas DrinksWhite of 1 Egg 1/2 oz. Lemon Juice 1/2 oz. Maraschino 1 oz. Dry Gin Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 4 oz. cocktail glass and top with whipped cream.  

Port Wine Egg Nog

Holiday drink1 Egg 1 teaspoon Powdered Sugar 3 oz. Port Wine Fill glass with Milk. Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 12 oz. glass. Grate Nutmeg on top.  

Whispers of the Frost

Holiday cocktail3/4 oz. Rye or Bourbon Whiskey 3/4 oz. Sherry Wine 3/4 oz. Port Wine 1 Teaspoon Powdered Sugar Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz. cocktail glass. Serve with slices of Lemon and Orange.

Hot Buttered Rum

Christmas MixerPut lump of Sugar into hot whiskey glass and fill with two thirds boiling water. Add square of Butter and 2 oz. of rum. Stir and grate Nutmeg on top.      

Damn the Weather

Christmas cocktail1 teaspoon Curacao 1/2 oz. Orange Juice 1/2 oz. Vermouth 1 oz. Dry Gin Shake well with cracked ice and strain into 3 oz cocktail glass.

Champagne Punch

Holiday punchJuice of 1 doz. Lemons Add enough Powdered Sugar to sweeten 1 qt. Carbonated Water Add ice and stir well. Then add: 1/2 pt. Maraschino 1/2 pt. Curacao 1 pt. Brandy 2 qts. Champagne Stir well and decorate with the fruits of the season.

Black Velvet

Christmas beer 5 oz. of Stout Beer 5 oz. Champagne Pour carefully into 12 oz glass. Add ice cubes, stir gently.           Go Home
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