1964 UFO – A Spiritual UFO Close Encounter

Published Date : June 27, 2014
Author : cheryl-costa

“This happened fifty years ago in Rockville Center, NY, I was thirteen years old when it happened,” Alice explained.

She and another grade eight friend named Mary planned to go Trick or Treating. Alice acknowledges, “We were a little old to be going but we wanted to go one last time, just the two of us.”

The two girls were walking down the street when Mary said “Look at the moon, it’s so bright!”

Alice looked up remarking, “That’s not the moon, that’s a street light.”

Those were the last words that either girl spoke about it. Alice clarified, “The UFO was over us; hovering. It came in fast…from a moon sized perspective to a street light in front of us, to right over us.”

Alice describes remembering the bright light, “I have a picture in my mind of where we were when we noticed the bright light.”

She says that after that her memory is a mosaic. She remembers the bright light leaving rapidly in a different direction from which it came. She recalls running down someone’s driveway and into their backyard, both girls wanting to chase the bright light, but it was gone.

Alice remembers that the two girls rang the bell of that house and excitedly told them about the bright object they had just seen. The people in the house were irritated and yelled at the two teenagers, something about it being too late to be trick or treating. They were told to go home and with that the people slammed the door in the girl’s faces. The two teens while annoyed at the people’s reaction remained excited about what they had just seen.

Yet when the young women returned to Alice’s house the oddest thing happened. Her mother shouted at the pair, complaining that they had been out “too late!” Both girls thought that they had been out less than an hour; the pair were at a loss to explain to Alice’s mom why they were gone for many hours. Alice was ordered to bed and Alice’s mom drove Mary home.

Alice reminisces, “I think we both were grounded for a couple of weeks. Both of us tried to talk about what happened to us with our folks. God knows we sure I tried, but we were just a couple of teenage girls, nobody took us serious or believed us.”

Alice says that she has no actual recollection of actually being abducted. Her strongest memory is of being scolded for not being able to account for the nearly four hours that the two girls had been gone.

She states frankly, “I don’t really know if any time had passed or not. I only know what we experienced … that it was a bright white light, we had no fear, when it was over us, close, and that it was perhaps 3-5 feet diameter.”

Alice tells us that throughout her life until now, when she told close friends about this event, no one has ever believed her. She considers her close encounter with that bright orb so long ago like a deeply shamanic experience.

“I don’t really care if anyone believes me or not. I know what I saw. I just wanted to put out the thought that maybe some of the UFO’s people are seeing are of a spiritual nature.”

She added these final remarks, “My friend and I had no fear, we were sad to see it leave, and felt love for it. It was a love experience if that makes sense to say.”

Let’s look at some recent UFO sighting here in New York

New York Skies15 June 2014: at about 1:45 a.m. A Pearl River, NY resident took his dog for a walk and witnessed a white light descending sideways from the top of the sky to ground in 2 to 3 seconds.  The light was bright and left no vapor trail and it was totally silent.

16 June 2014: at about 9 p.m. A West Babylon, NY motorist witnessed two Reddish/orange orbs floating in the air. He stopped his car to get a closer look and watched them vanish.

16 June 2014: at about 11 p.m. a resident of Depew, NY reported observing three chevrons flying at high altitude in a “V” formation. He reports that the chevrons had a reddish glow about them.

17 June 2014: at about 2 a.m. a resident of Kew Gardens, NY looked out of her 8th floor apartment window and observed a formation of bright lights in some sort of flying formation. She noted at least 12 of the odd lights and noted that at least seven of them were darting around.

19 June 2014: at about 11 p.m. a Rochester, NY resident witnessed five reddish lights moving in an x formation traveling south west over Rochester. He reports that the formation was arranged as follows: Five reddish orange lights over Rochester NY .Two at the top one centrally below and two more below.

If you have a UFO sighting to report, you can use either one of the two national database services: www.NUFORC.ORG or  www.MUFON.COM   – Both services respect confidentiality.

Cheryl Costa would love to hear the when, where and what of your New York sighting. Email it to [email protected]. The names of witnesses will be omitted to protect their privacy.