Two UFO Photos – One UFO

Published Date : January 16, 2015
Author : cheryl-costa

For years there have been reports of UFOs buzzing various skyscrapers in and around the greater New York City area. Among the most notable are the Empire State Building and the Twin Towers of the original World Trade Center.

In my March 28, 2014 article “UFO 1960 – A UFO Circled the Empire State Building” I shared an account by a former newsman who described a sighting of a UFO that circled the Empire State Building but alas, they had no photo.

In recent years the logged reports seem to be dominated by Glowing Blue Spheres and the ever present formations of Reddish-Orange Fireballs. So the photos seem to be bright glowing spots against the night sky.

The images could just as easily have been a headlight from an approaching jet liner.

During my archive search for photos of UFOs in New York State, I came across two UFO photos amongst the high rise buildings of the Big Apple. These particular two UFO photos piqued my interest enough to share them with you.


An egg shaped craft with a bright glowing pod on its top.

Photo number one was supposedly taken by an Italian tourist in 1994 near one of the towers of the World Trade Center (WTC). You can see the lights of the WTC to the left of the egg shaped craft with a bright glowing pod on its top. Unfortunately, there’s virtually no narrative account available about the Italian visitors and their sighting event. There was released in 2000, a now infamous video supposedly taken at the same time of the same craft depicted in the still photo showing the craft hovering near the WTCs.

To be honest with you, my spouse watched the video with me several times and thought it might be a fake. I wasn’t sure what to think. So I set the 1994 WTC photo aside for several months.


Note the striking style similarity to the craft photographed near the WTC in 1994.

Then this week I was researching UFO photos and found this New York City photo taken twelve years later in July 2009. Looking at photo number two, please note the striking style similarity to the craft photographed near the WTC in 1994. The only anomaly being its glowing pod appears on its bottom. I must point out that positional orientation is relative for a space craft, for in space there is no up or down.

It should be noted that it’s been known for some time UFOs have been observed near major events of human activity. The 2009 photo was taken on the 4th of July just prior to a major fireworks display. Another example comes to mind, last year a NYSKIES fan wrote me and shared with me an account of a UFO that hovered over a stock car race in Greene, NY in the mid 1980’s, but that’s a story for another day.

The UFO craft shown in the aforementioned photos, as best as I can determine, is what is classified in UFO circles as a type B5.

Let’s look at some recent UFO sighting in New York Skies:

21 Dec 2014: at about 1 a.m. A Manhattan resident observed an unknown object hovering over the lower east side.

23 Dec 2014: at about midnight, a Kenmore, NY resident saw a flying disc over his house. He says that it was low, loud, and flat bottomed.

25 Dec 2014: at about 6 a.m. a Rocky Point, NY resident witnessed two bright lights in the sky that kept winking out and reappearing.

25 Dec 2014: at about 9:30 p.m. a motorist in Bohemia, NY observed two bright orange lights. He says they were flying a few thousand feet above his car.

26 Dec 2014: at about 5 p.m. a resident of Hempstead, NY reported seeing a large cylinder object traveling over Long Island.

26 Dec 2014: at about 7:15 p.m. a resident of Oswego, NY saw a steady orange light, moving across the sky and flickering off in the distance.

If you have a UFO sighting to report, you can use either one of the two national database services: www.NUFORC.ORG or  www.MUFON.COM  – Both services respect confidentiality.

Cheryl Costa would love to hear the when, where and what of your New York sighting. Email it to [email protected]. The names of witnesses will be omitted to protect their privacy.

The 24th International UFO Congress 2015 will be held near Phoenix, AZ from 18-22 Feb. Cheryl Costa will be posting daily blogs and video reports from the conference, right here on – bookmark us!

New York Skies